As recruiters, we know that “hiring” isn’t necessarily always at the top of a client’s list of priorities. However, it has been proven that when hiring managers meet with recruitment partners there are multiple benefits for both parties. 

Relationship Builder 

Any recruitment agency that you’re working with should be partnering with you long term. Trust goes a long way and you need to feel comfortable about a recruiter’s working practices & values and whether they sync with your own.  

Learning about the Company, Team & Vision

From the recruiter’s point of view, a meeting is an opportunity to learn more intricate information about the company, team and ultimately the vision. When interacting with recruitment partners, potential hires always want to know this level of information, so they can see whether it matches their own career plans and values system prior to entering into an interview process. Even something as simple as getting to see the office, is a considerable step.

Understanding Brand Perception in the Market 

A recruitment partner spends (or “should” spend) a large majority of their time meeting and speaking to stakeholders, learning more about their industry, commercial changes and trends. Therefore, it’s quite likely that we’d have a good understanding of how the market views your business.

Learn about the market

You can be educated about what’s currently happening in the market, hiring trends and the general mentality of the professionals that you may want to employ. 

Conversations on the phone or email will always have their place in business but face-to-face is always better when it comes to meeting your recruitment partners for the first time. Ultimately, your recruitment factors into your longer term business strategy, so the more information that both parties have, the better. This is why hiring managers should always meet their recruitment partners when they have the opportunity to do so.

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